
Can You Get A Divorce Without Going To Court

Can You Get A Divorce Without Going To Court?

Divorce is a complex process that involves social, emotional, financial, and many other aspects of two people and two families.  So, there are chances of things getting worse and ugly while performing this long-drawn-out process. And, today, most of the people don’t want to take their personal matters to court and discuss their private matters …

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How Can I Get Custody of My Child Without Going to Court

How Can I Get Custody of My Child Without Going to Court?

Child custody refers to the custody or guardianship of a child which is granted to the parent by the court. It describes the legal relationship and decision-making right between parent and child. In general, the agreements for child custody need to get approval from the judge to make it legal and enforceable under state laws. …

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What's The Difference Between Lawyer And Solicitor

What’s The Difference Between Lawyer And Solicitor?

In almost everyone’s life, there comes a stage when they need legal advice or services. And most of the time, when people find themselves in need of legal representation, they get confused about who should they go for assistance: a lawyer or solicitor? Like many other people, we often get confused about one thing, and …

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